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Top Mistakes to Avoid During Your Porta-Potty Rental

Woman contemplates mistakes about portable restroom rental planning

When you’re planning an event in Texas, you want everything to go right. Renting a porta-potty requires several involved steps. Make sure you follow Texas Johns’ advice that helps you avoid these top porta-potty rental mistakes.

Not Ordering Enough Porta-Potties

One of the biggest mistakes event planners make is not ordering enough portable toilets for their event. You’ll want to make sure you have enough so that guests don’t have to wait in long lines.

As a general rule, you should have at least one porta-potty for every 100 guests at your event. Also, consider variables like the length of the event, whether alcohol is being served, and the male-to-female ratio of attendees. Having too few portable bathrooms causes frustration for your guests and reflects poorly on you as the organizer.

Failing to Consider Accessibility

When ordering portable toilets, it’s important not to overlook accessibility. If disabled individuals will be at your event, you’ll need to get ADA-compliant, handicap-accessible restroom units. These porta potties allow wheelchairs to access them and have features like grab bars inside. Not having accessible porta johns is non-inclusive to disabled guests and also fails to meet regulations. You could face fines or lawsuits if you exclude accommodations.

Forgetting Hygiene Supplies

Inside each portable toilet, there should be basic hygiene supplies for use, like toilet paper, paper towels, and hand sanitizer. Too often, event hosts forget these critical supplies.

Without toilet paper or the ability to wash hands, portable toilets become unusable quickly. Be sure your rental company is stocking each unit or have a plan to resupply things like toilet paper yourself. If restrooms lack these basics, your event’s sanitary conditions start to deteriorate.

Poor Unit Placement

Where you place portable toilets on the event grounds makes a huge difference in guest experience. First, make sure they’re easy to access from all areas people congregate and placed close to the event action. Long walks to reach the porta potties will discourage use. Second, position units so they have some privacy, like along fences or behind structures. Guests will avoid restrooms if units are completely exposed with no sense of privacy. Location and discretion are important placement factors.

Limited Maintenance & Servicing

Maintenance is crucial when renting portable toilets for a long event spanning days. Units will need pumping out, cleaning, restocking and more. Failing to budget for a rental company to service the units during the event leaves restrooms dirty and unusable.

For big events, consider getting VIP or luxury trailer units with sinks and flushing toilets to reduce frequency of service needs. Have a maintenance plan and schedule in place.

No Hand Wash Stations

While hand sanitizer inside the porta potties helps, it’s not enough from a hygiene perspective. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention actually recommends setting up outdoor hand washing stations near restroom areas. These can be simple tanks like those from Texas Johns, with spigots dispensing water, soap, paper towels, and catch buckets. Provide the resources for guests to wash hands thoroughly before eating or mingling again after bathroom use.

Keep Your Event Stellar With Help From Texas Johns

Planning a big outdoor event in Texas? Don’t make messy mistakes when it comes to renting portable restrooms. Texas Johns has over 20 years of experience setting up clean, convenient porta-potties for events throughout the state. We know all the logistical headaches and regulations that event hosts face.

Trust Texas Johns to provide you with sanitation amenities that keep your guests comfortable throughout the entirety of your event.

Don’t risk planning pitfalls, penalty fees, or disappointed guests. For your next Texas-sized outdoor gathering, leave the portable sanitation to the experts at Texas Johns. Contact us today to schedule your rentals.




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