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Port-A-Potties and Toddlers: Essential Safety Tips

Highland Village Lake Lewisville porta potty

Family outings are always fun with toddlers. However, if your young one is growing out of a diaper and practicing regular restroom use, there isn’t always a standard restroom available at all events.

When you’re at a public function, and your toddler’s got to go, port-a-potties are often your only option.

While you may be comfortable using a portable restroom, the compact location, and wide toilet mouth may be more than a little daunting for your small one.

Here are some of our top tips for making your child feel comfortable using a port-a-potty and how you can ensure every trip to the restroom is a safe one.

Always Monitor Your Child

While the statistic is disheartening, over 900 children drown every year. The worst-case scenario can even happen in an area as familiar as a portable restroom. It’s easy for a curious or uncoordinated toddler to fall into a port=a-potty reservoir.

That’s why it’s critical to have an adult with a toddler at all times while using a portable restroom. Suppose your child is unable to hoist themselves up onto the toilet seat or control their body while using the toilet. In that case, it’s your responsibility to hold their hands or body while they relieve themselves. 

Keep Your Visits Sanitary

Use the visit to a portable restroom as a learning experience in hygienic practices. Your young one naturally has a lower immune system and is susceptible to getting sick from any bacteria left behind on the surfaces of a portable toilet.

Always make sure that the unit is clean. If possible use seat liners or toilet paper as a seat liner to create a skin-to-toilet barrier for your child.

While using the toilet, teach them about the importance of cleanliness in the restroom, like wiping down the seat and thoroughly washing your hands.

These experiences can encourage long-term positive hygienic practices that help them stay cleaner as they learn to use the restroom on their own.

Make the Port-A-Potty Distraction-Free

If you have a toddler, you know it takes nothing to get them distracted and mentally absent from a task at hand. Hats, sunglasses, toys, and other accessories should all stay outside of the portable restroom with another adult or older child.

The last thing you want is for your toddler to get distracted, make a mess of the restroom, dip into the tank, or drop your items into collected waste.

Keeping your visit focused solely on getting in and out of the restroom lets your toddler learn the basics of public restroom use without the risk of any dangerous or frustrating accidents.

Play Away From Designated Port-A-Potty Zones

It’s easy for a toddler to trip up adults while playing. Ensure you aren’t the parent this happens to while in an event’s portable restroom area.

Play can easily turn dangerous around a port-a-potty, and encouraging this behavior is something you want to avoid entirely as a parent.

Have Questions About Renting a Port-A-Potty? Texas Johns can Help!

If you are hosting an event this spring or summer, make sure you work with the best portable toilet rental option in Texas. At Texas Johns, we take every precaution to ensure your portable restrooms are installed safely, stay clean, and provide a pleasant experience for your guests.

Contact us today to schedule your next port-a-potty rental.



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